Vehicle tracking systems suitable for every sector and vehicle tracking device and optimized route zone planning control solution as well as personnel vehicles tracking and planning system Bitakip.
DiscoverWith Bitakip vehicle tracking systems, you can record the maintenance of your vehicles in your user account and follow up your vehicles with periodic maintenance on the vehicle tracking system; you can view the historical data and movements of your fleet as well as follow up instantly on your vehicles on the same screen.
DiscoverYou can easily monitor your children, loved ones, sick and elderly relatives, pets and valuables and access instant location information with Bitakip.
DiscoverThe vehicle tracking systems, person tracking device, object tracking device, your vehicles, valuables, loved ones, children, sick elderly relatives and pet friends, you can get instant location information and see location information with the GPS vehicle tracking device attached to your vehicles on the same screen via the vehicle tracking system.
By defining speed limits for your vehicles, you can increase the safety of your personnel and reduce the risk of possible accidents. You can see the average monthly or daily distance of your vehicles. In unfortunate cases such as theft or loss of your vehicles, you can locate your vehicle in a short time. You can easily control and prevent unauthorized vehicle use and working hours violations. With the BiTakip vehicle tracking system, you can define certain speeds in the regions or routes you have created and receive notifications if the speed is below or above the speed you have set.
With vehicle tracking systems, you can stop your vehicles against unwanted use or theft by sending a remote stop command via the system.
Ensure safe driving
With the vehicle tracking system, it prevents the vehicles in your fleet from being used too fast and provides a safer and more convenient driving for traffic users.
Save time
Quickly coordinate with the users of your vehicles on the road through the system, save time by determining routes and routes.
Reduce fuel consumption
Save fuel by controlling off-hours driving and off-route driving.
Increase operational efficiency
Provide drivers with remote support services such as real-time route and job routing, track effective mileage and generate entry and exit reports and increase productivity.
Provide ease of management
Provide effective driver performance tracking and ease of management by controlling all vehicles from a single center from a single screen.
Increase performance and efficiency while managing your business.
Route, speed, region, emergency, past location information that you can set as optimization is on your screen.
You can define routes and routes on the map and receive notifications from vehicles that go out of route with the Bitakip Vehicle Tracking System.
You can draw a desired area on the map as a zone and receive notifications in violation of that zone.
By defining the speed limits you have set for the vehicles you have determined, you can receive notifications and control your vehicles thanks to the notifications coming from the vehicle tracking device in case of speed exceeds.
You can stop your vehicles against unwanted situations or theft by sending a remote stop command thanks to the vehicle tracking device.
You can instantly monitor the speed of your vehicles in which location, and you can easily access historical record information thanks to the data coming from the vehicle tracking device.
You can receive instant message notification for all the tasks (route definition, zone definition, speeding) you have defined.
It's simplereasier to access all the details about the tools and objects, everything is on the same screen.